Random stuff

Random biased coin

Suppose we pick biased coin at random, so that tails probability $\theta$ is itself uniformly distributed on $[0, 1]$. What is the distribution of number of tails if we toss this coin $n$ times?

For specific values of $\theta$ distribution has a peak around $n\theta$.

$n=4$, $\theta=0.1$:
0 1 2 3 4
$n=4$, $\theta=0.5$:
0 1 2 3 4
$n=4$, $\theta=0.75$:
0 1 2 3 4

What is surprising, is that if we “add up” these distributions for all values of $\theta$, we’ll get equal probabilities for all possible numbers of tails:

0 1 2 3 4

One can verify it by checking that for all $k$

but that’s boring.

Instead, consider alternative formulation of this experiment. First we pick $\theta$ uniformly. Then, instead of flipping coins, we choose values of $y_1, …, y_n$ independently and uniformly from $[0, 1]$. We say that coin $i$ produces tails iff $y_i < \theta$, which happens with probability exactly $\theta$. Then number of tails is the number of $y_i$ that fall to the left of $\theta$, or, equivalently, zero-based index of symbol $\theta$ in the sequence $\theta, y_1, …, y_n$ sorted by values of respective variables. For example, if these values can be arranged as

we observe three tails.

Since all these random variables are independent and have the same continuous distribution, sorted sequence $\theta, y_1, …, y_n$ is random permutation with all possible orders being equiprobable, thus $\theta$ is equally likely to appear in any of $n + 1$ positions.