Random stuff

Navigating tree of rabbits

As stated in famous Fibonacci rabbit problem, it takes one month for young pair of rabbits to mature (reach reproductive age). Mature pair breeds, and in one month produces young pair of offsprings, while remaining reproductive itself.

If we denote young pair as $1$ and mature pair as $0$, events of one month can be captured in the following rule $T$:

If we start with a single mature pair, here is what happens in the following months:

This is a sequence of Fibonacci words. Wikipedia uses alternative definition $S_0 = 0$, $S_1 = 01$, $S_n = S_{n-1} S_{n-2}$, but it’s easy to show that it’s equivalent to iterative application of $T$:

This process can also be understood as a tree:

We will distiguish three types of events (or tree edges):

and history of a particular tree node will be represented as a chain of such events, applied in reverse chronological order for convenience.

data RabbitHistory =
    Born RabbitHistory |
    Stayed RabbitHistory |
    Matured RabbitHistory |

For example, $01\boldsymbol{0}$ in $S_2$ is a result of maturation of $0\boldsymbol{1}$ in $S_1$, which in turn was born by historyless element $\boldsymbol{0}$ in $S_0$, so it will be represented by an expression

Matured (Born NoHistory)

It is convenient, given a history of an element, to know whether it’s $0$ or $1$:

isMature :: RabbitHistory -> Bool
isMature (Born _) = False
isMature _ = True

Moving vertically:

up :: RabbitHistory -> RabbitHistory
up (Born h) = h
up (Stayed h) = h
up (Matured h) = h

down :: RabbitHistory -> [RabbitHistory]
down (Born h) = [Matured (Born h)]
down h = [Stayed h, Born h]

Moving left and right is somewhat tricky, because it may involve direct siblings, 1st cousins, 2nd cousins, and so on. Principal cases are shown below.

left :: RabbitHistory -> RabbitHistory
left (Born h)           = Stayed h         -- (a)
left (Matured (Born h)) = Born (Stayed h)  -- (b)
left (Stayed h)         =
    case left h of
        Matured h1 -> Born (Matured h1)    -- (c)
        Born h1    -> Matured (Born h1)    -- (c')

right :: RabbitHistory -> RabbitHistory
right (Stayed h)        = Born h            -- (a)
right (Born (Stayed h)) = Matured (Born h)  -- (b)
right (Born h)          = Stayed (right h)  -- (c')
right (Matured h)       = Stayed (right h)  -- (c)